Welcome back to my blog lovelies! It's that time of the year where clocks turned backwards, it gets dark early and it's too cold to just hang out outside for no reason. Gloomy days are a regular and it gets harder to get out of bed. Nonetheless, life goes on and gloomy days can be beautiful, too! It's all about what you make out of it with what you have and it's important for yourself to feel well as it affects everything you do, from getting up in the morning to meetings and dinner with friends.
I'm listing 4 things below that I do for self-care:
Spend some 'me-time'
I myself find it very relaxing to put on a face mask, make myself a fresh mint tea or hot water lemon, sit on my bed, put my phone on silence and watch a series. For me this is a big part of self-care as it simply makes me feel good about myself and I can just switch my mind off. Oh, a spa weekend away is another great way to spend some 'me-time'.
Go to the gym
Another part of self-care for me is going to the gym whenever I feel uncomfortable in my skin (not when society tells me to!) or just to relief stress. It's a good way to take your mind off stress.
Get rid of toxic relationships
If it's boyfriend/girlfriend or friend - distance yourself. You don't need drama, negativity or gossip in your life. There are more important things to do in life, we have work to do and bills to pay. Unfortunately the blogging world has loads of those people and one needs to be very careful who to trust. Staying away from negativity will change your life, I even stopped watching Love and Hip Hop to get my mind right a few years back, haha, but I'm telling you it had an impact on my life.
Social Media Detox
If you're a regular on Social Media like I am, it is good to sometimes just leave your phone alone and do something else. Take your mind off what other people do on Instagram and stop comparing yourself to someone that you're not. Acceptance is the key word girls!
If all that doesn't help, just book a flight and go away.. Traveling is good for the soul!
I hope you liked this post! Have a great evening guys!
Outfit Details:
Jumper: H&M
Pleated Skirt: H&M (on sale!)
Coat: Evans
Sandal Heels: Public Desire
Bag: Zara