Sunday, 23 October 2016

Is it that time of the year again?

Yes it is that time of the year again where seasonal change is starting to get to me and I start panicking because I'm not ready yet. I'm the kind of person you see on the street wearing sandals until the last sun ray is gone and wearing skirts without tights until I get sick for the first time and I will never learn from it. I know, I'm rolling my eyes at myself, lol. Besides not being prepared to let summer go, I haven't even thought about the new autumn trends yet, not to mention giving though to a colour scheme though I can kinda tell what I'm feeling right now. A few weeks ago I sorted out my wardrobe and gave a lot of old stuff that I wasn't even wearing anymore to charity. I actually love how "empty" my wardrobe looks now compared to before and I will try to keep it minimal from now on. (No promises!) So last weekend I decided to research in some trends and do some online shopping for the much needed knitwear and I thought it might be helpful for everyone struggling to get their game on like me, to have a little "get-started-guide".

1. Think about a colour scheme
As much as we want, we can't buy 6 different coats in different colours and on top of that matching clothes for 20 different outfits. Nah! That's not how budgeting works. Try to decide on 2-4 colours you would like to match for the new season and try adapt to it. 

2. What are the new trends?
Research on autumn/winter trends and decide which ones you would like to go for and which ones are just not for you. Nothing's wrong with taking out your old knitwear and mix it up with some new items. Be considerate of what you buy and ask yourself if you'll still wear it next season. 

3. Choose your favs
It is good to have some main pieces you can just match everything with such as a coat, favourite pants, a jumper, boots and maybe even a dress. Choose your favs and build up your shopping on these key items - it'll be a lot easier for you to find different outfit combinations. 

4. Outfit planning
 Before you click that "check out" button or run to the till think about your outfits and see if you have something you can wear the items you're about to buy with or else you'll either end up running to the store again to buy more clothes or return items. 

I hope this helps to plan your autumn outfits!

Love, Drea

Lace up knit dress: Prettylittlething


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